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our pic
Bill and Melissa Chappel

Monday, February 5, 2018

I wish I had a picture of Will as a baby hanging out in his stroller while we did youth ministry to compare it to this picture of him leading a game at youth group last night. 😀 The stories we hear of what happens in the schools and in some of the homes here in Ireland break our hearts. There is not nearly the parental involvement here and often there aren’t any consequences for doing wrong. The challenge to reach young people with the love of God is great and makes youth ministry all the more crucial. Bill and I are coming alongside Discovery’s youth pastor for a season to help train and mentor her and to help build up a team around her. She is only 19 but is exceptionally committed and has a deep love and passion for the youth. We are excited that this is a part of the ministry we get to do here. Pray that we will be effective during this season!

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor